Database Management Services

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Database Management Services

Secure, Reliable Database Management Services Solutions

Your database, such as Loxo (, PCRecuiter (, CATS (, Crelate (, Maxhire (, CAPS (, BigBiller (, any other customized ATS used, etc., which has been meticulously built up over the years, serves as an invaluable resource for your team, offering a wealth of companies and candidates. However, the true value lies in keeping the data fresh and up-to-date.

We spend a significant time working on our client's databases on the following activities:

Database Management Services

Day to day updating


Clients send us daily candidate-related information and correspondence via email. We use this data to build calls, enter candidate and client activities, schedule client calls, and manage candidate interviews.

Cleaning up

We undertake activities like merging duplicates, updating with current information, deleting outdated records, segregating inactive companies/candidates, and building emails using company email formats.


Bulk mailing


Our services include sending bulk emails to shortlisted candidates, updating the database with candidate information, and informing hiring authorities about outstanding candidates.


This crucial activity adds immense value to your existing database. Based on your requirements, we develop a coding plan to categorize existing/new companies and candidates, facilitating easy searchability for your recruiters.
